
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Gift giving

Hello People, I hope you're all doing great and your christmas preparations are well underway!

Today I'd like to talk about what concerns us most right now!

What do get him or her as a present for christmas this year?

While giving gifts is an amazing thing to do in order to make others happy or give them something they really need, Christmas really has become an event of consumerism and of commerce rather than an event of appreciation and celebration we should spend with the people we value the most.

It has changed from I'll enjoy the Christmas Holiday to I see how I survive Christmas this year.

I reckon it's pretty sad to see it this way because it's supposed to be the time to really appreciate our family, friends and loved ones.

Christmas reinvention!! 

We've been talking about this giftgiving stuff this year and have come to the point not to get any presents just because we're supposed to or just because the deals are looming just around every corner with days like BLACK FRIDAY  and whatever bulls**t.

I'm getting more and more resistant to those artificially created consumerism traps .
(More on that shortly - make sure you subscribe to get email updates from )

Reinvention of giftgiving! 

Giftgiving is awesome! I'm not saying don't give each other any gifts, but I do say don't just give gifts because the calendar tells you to!


When Christmas is around the corner most of us kind of know we gonna get a present and we're waiting for Christmas to come to finally receive that particular gift we asked for (perhaps).

That can be great, I don't want that misunderstood!

BUT! If you receive a gift just because your partner felt like it and wanted to show you his or her appreciation for you and make you happy. Isn't that so much more intentional and so much more surprising?

The surprise of receiving a present as a sign of appreciation or to show your partner how much you value him or her is absolutely fantastic!

I just bought Alex that awesome perfume she wanted for quite a while. Yes next week is Christmas, but I bought it today and gave it to her straight away to make her happy.
Her reaction when she found it where I put it for her was absolutely amazing.
Even more so because it came out of nowhere and took her by surprise.

Now, to sum up. What I am saying is this!

  • Don't let yourself get stressed out for presents just because the calendar tells you to.
  • Find an arrangement with your loved one for Christmas, Birthdays, perhaps Marriages and so fort in relations to giftgiving
  • Make each other gifts not because you feel like you ought to do it but because you want to do so.
  • Surprise each other and show your love and sympathy any day you like
  • Reinvent Christmas and other days alike and try and grasp their magic again for yourself and your family.  

Okay folks that's it for now.

I hope you've enjoyed this read and found some value in it.

If you've got any questions or comments please post them underneath and I'll try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Til then, stay cool, stay limitless


Friday, December 16, 2016

Creating a new webpage ain't too easy

Hi guys, I hope you're all doing great!

Some of you may have noticed that our web address and domain have changed.

This is due to the fact that I purchased a custom domain and started to create and design the webpage somewhat properly.

To do so I started to learn some html (only just now literally) and will dramatically improve my website.

Add caption
Please bear with me for a little bit and feel free to post any requests and ideas in the comments below to help me built one amazing webpage.


Read soon and enjoy those steady improvement in the near future.

Stay cool, stay limitless!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Running out of stuff

Hi guys,

I hope all you guys are doing well!

As you could read in my previous posts I am donating 1 item of mine every single day and I'm doing that for quite some time now and the joy of "giving' something or 'contributing' something consistently hasn't faded which is certainly great!

In fact, still I am looking forward to select an item and put it in the 'donation basket' every day!

But one thing I didn't think about in the first place starts happening now, and it is indeed quite disturbing when you're trying to find something to give away and all of a sudden you find that you're running out of stuff!

I'm runnning out of stuff! 

So today again I found myself looking, searching, climbing into my wardrobe in pursue of a 'donatable' item.

It's kinda funny how quickly you're obsolete material possessions subside and you've got nothing left to give unless you decide to run around naked of live in a completely deserted flat.

Well I guess I have to make up my mind on how exactly to accomplish my donation marathon over a couple of months until new years but...
 ...if there is one thing for certain than it is that:

This year holds another 28 days and I will give away at least another 28 items of mine for two reasons!

1st: I will stay true to my promise to donate an item each day till new years
2nd: If it involves me having to let go of some stuff that I'm really attached to than I'll do it for the sake of contribution.

That's it for now peeps!
I hope you enjoyed the read, I appreciate all of your feedback and subscriptions!

so up until next time,

Stay cool guys!
